Shaped and self-supporting coils
Thanks to technological equipment and our own know-how, we are able to produce coils of almost any shape.
Custom wound parts
The rich skills and creativity of the company's development department allow us to solve special customer requirements, especially in the area of complicated assemblies and units.
Winding for BLDC motors
Modern tools and technological background allows us to produce various coils for motors, especially of smaller dimensions in various shapes and designs.
SMD chokes, converters and transformers
In the category of SMD components, we realize a large number of types of wound parts.
Electron optics
The production of wound and mechanical assemblies for the electron optics industry has gradually become an important part of our business in recent years.
Toroidal chokes and converters
Technological equipment of modern winding machines allows us to produce toroidal parts from a diameter of a few millimeters to tens of centimeters.
Transformers, chokes and converters with ferrite cores
An important category of our products are wound parts with ferrite cores.
Potted parts
Suitable technological equipment provides the possibility of watering both conventional and vacuum.
Mechanical parts and assemblies
Our machine department have equipment that allows us tool preparation for production and also the production of other mechanical components that are related with our production.